Spiders, Flies & Similes
I see myself in spiders - and also in first. That probably sounds strange, given that one is a predator and the other it’s prey, but I’m talking about a particular spider and about bluebottle flies in general. The bluebottles are those big, annoying black and dark blue flies that come inside in the summer, particularly when, like me, you don’t take the rubbish outside often enough. They whizz around your head when you’re eating, or reading, or trying to write, in an attempt to make you get up and spill your wineglass while trying to kill them. The rest of the time they buzz like hell and repeatedly bump their heads off the window pane, wondering why they can’t fly through. That’s when they annoy me the most. That constant buzz buzz, bump bump, buzz buzz. There could be an open window right beside them and they’ll never find it. They’d much rather buzz and bump ‘til they’re dead on the window-ledge or until I get lucky with a newspaper. But there’s another way they annoy me. They a...